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Secondary education


Vocational school

A three-year basic vocational education comprising both general education subjects and vocational training instruction. This line of study is chosen by nearly all those who do not continue to upper secondary schools.

Basic vocational education can also be obtained through apprenticeship training, i.e. practical service in the field supported by theoretical instruction. Those who obtain a further vocational qualification can continue their studies in polytechnics or other institutions of higher education.

Lapland Vocational College 
Santasport Institute



Upper secondary school

Upon completion of basic education, all young people have the opportunity to apply for further study, irrespective of the comprehensive school that they have attended or the options or elective courses that they have chosen. Upper secondary schools provide a post-comprehensive school general education track.

The task of general upper secondary education is to provide extensive all-round learning and to continue the teaching and educational task of basic education. The objective is to offer sufficient skills and knowledge with a view to further study.

All upper secondary school students follow their own personal study plans. The upper secondary school syllabus can be completed in 2–4 years. Towards the end of their studies, students take the national matriculation examination.

Matriculation provides a foundation for continuation of studies in institutions of higher education or vocational training institutes.
Lyseonpuiston lukio IB Diploma Programme