

Basic education

Basic education is a ten-year general education. Compulsory education includes pre-primary education and school years 1 to 9. Compulsory education is intended for the whole age group, 6-16 years old. During the pre-primary education the pedagogy is provided by the pre-primary teacher and during the first six years by the class teacher, who teaches all or most subjects. During the last three years separate subjects are usually taught by different subject teachers. Basic education is also available for adults, and is provided by general upper secondary schools for adults and adult education centres.  


Secondary education

Municipally provided upper secondary level instruction is free of charge. Apart from upper secondary schools, there is a three-year basic vocational education alternative comprising both general education subjects and vocational training instruction.


Higher education

Higher education in Finland has two parallel sectors. Universities conduct scientific research, and provide undergraduate and postgraduate education based on research. Universities of Applied Sciences offer professionally oriented higher education.
There are two higher education institutions in Rovaniemi:

University of Lapland


Lapland University of Applied Sciences

The functions of Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences and Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences merged on 1 January 2014 to form Lapland University of Applied Sciences.

The University of Applied Sciences has four fields of expertise:

Business information technology
International business