Basic information
The town of Ajka was formed back in 1960, when the four villages surrounding Ajka were merged. Ajka is situated in West Hungary, approximately 130 kilometres west from Budapest. The town has a population of approximately 35,000 inhabitants. The distance to the Balaton Lake is approximately 30 kilometres.
Ajka is an industrial town, and a great deal of mining activity has been practiced in the region. Industrialisation was initiated following the Second World War, and the region has metal, chemical and electronics industries. Ajka is renowned for its crystal factory. Tourism is concentrated to the Balaton Lake regions.
Friendship town activities
A friendship town agreement was signed between the Municipality of Rovaniemi and Ajka in 1992. Friendship town activity has been active and traditional cultural and youth exchange. On the commercial side, forms of potential co-operation have been sought, but in practice very little activity has occurred in this respect.
The Ajka Days, held each year in the Municipality of Rovaniemi, is an event visited regularly. Ajka and the Municipality of Rovaniemi have taken it in turns to arrange summer camps for young people.
The Finland – Hungary friendship town meetings are arranged every third year alternating between Finland and Hungary. The meetings have seen participation from the friendship towns with visits made to the host municipality following the meeting. Expenses (excluding travel expenses to the meeting venue) are covered by the receiving friendship region. The last friendship town meeting was held in 2006.